Mawai, Sedili, Sebana Cove

I had noticed another fish icon on my GPS. Since my last quite successful recce for the icon around Kong Kong area, with some luck, this should be interesting. So the thot came to me to check this out. The route there was almost as per heading for Tg Leman Jetty.
24 hr Mac joint

Birds out for breakfast too

Tree lizard was attacked, and became bird food later

We had a quick bite at the Mac at Permas and set off for that spot on my GPS. Based on the expected arrival time, it was only about half hour away. The drive took a little longer due to the heavy traffic.
Reaching the "fish" spot

Boats belonging to the locals

I went up the stoney road and came to a dead end

Brown water

Old Jetty

New Jetty

Reaching there, it wasn't much of a place to see. There was a Jetty just beside the river. But due to the monsoon, the river water was brownish. Didn't look quite good.
Tg Sedili Jetty

The Village around the Jetty

Fishing boats

More boats

View of the bridge to Leman

D with her dream bicycle

Ample parking

Dried fish

Local boys

Bus to Kota Tinggi

Since I was just around Sedili, I headed for Tg Sedili to have a look. The place reminded me of Kukup, although alot cleaner and more organised. At the Jetty, we could see big fishing boats unloading all their previous catches to be packed for distribution. From here, we could see the bridge that we would take en route to Leman.
Along Jason Bay

A resort here

Jason Bay resort


Nibong trees (wood for making kelongs)

Mostly empty road

Unlucky cat. Hit by car on mostly empty road

From Sedili, I then drove down the coastal road to get to Desaru. Maybe the plan was to let D have a swim there. But along the road, we could see that the water was the surf up type, not suited for children to have a fun dip. But this bay area was known as Jason Bay, consisting mainly of beaches. I was sure that at certain time of the year, it would indeed be nice. But today, the water was rough and wind was strong.
Bike convoy

Tg Balau

Treacherous rocks

Closer view

Picnic ground

Along the way, we encountered a whole convoy of bikers touring the Pengerang area. They were going quite fast and overtook me gradually. I had a hunch that the last rider was my ex-colleague LS. But he passed by me without any signs of recognising me. I was trying to catch up with the convoy but driving at 100km/h, I still couldn't tail the whole convoy. We reached the east corner of Malaysia and visited Tg Balau for a while. There were some interesting sharp looking rocks there.
Sculpture of the Lobster

The beach (quite dirty)

The duck porridge stall

Some other customer

We had a simple lunch at Sg Rengit, at the duck rice stall that we had visited some years back. Food was clean and cheap, quite recommended. After that, I decided to try give Sebana Cove a visit. The last time I was here with PF, we didn't have the time to drive in for coffee. Now seemed an opportune time.
I was surprised that there was a security post at the turning in Sebana Cove. But seeing ours a Singapore plated car, the guard waved us on without asking any questions. From the guard post, the drive in was quite far and passed by the golf course on the way to the Marina.
Long road in

Reaching the Marina

Balancing act

Resort roof

Resort Patio

D went "Wah!"

The Marina was nice, quite like the Bintan Lagoon Resort that we had been to. D was all excited about the swimming pool. I was excited about the water around the Marina. In my mind, I was wondering if it was possible to fish. I looked around and saw a family fishing. I asked the recept and she directed me to another office. From there, I waited for the recept to finish up with a couple of Ang Mohs processing something for their boat. Granddad looking Ang Moh was quite talkative and friendly and chatted up D with kid's talk.
When my turn came, I was told that fishing was allowed just in front of the building. I was half expecting to pay, but she said no need. And I told her that I wasn't even staying in the resort. But that wasn't a problem.
Behind us, the Marina office

Place where we fished

I couldn't believe my good luck and lost no time in getting my tackles from the car. I parked myself beside the other family and started fishing. The other family consisted of an Ang Moh with his chinese wife and son. But from the way he was rigging his prawn bait, like not experienced at fishing. He asked me what bait I was using and I told him that I was using a lure. From his glassy expression, he must have thot that I was mad.
Pristine water

The not productive side

Where I sighted the big fish

Me luring

The water there wasn't that good being the murky type. Furthermore, wind was strong and water was quite choppy. Nevertheless, I tried luring, but got no results after a while. The other family changed location and moved to the far end of path along the Jetty.
I was wondering if fishing was allowed within the Marina itself and gave it a try. In fact, the water here was the ideal kind of luring ground. Calm water, deep and small fish activity. After casting about 5 cast, I saw right in front of me a big pomfret like fish chasing a baitfish and making a splash on the surface. Wow! I was delighted and worked harder with my Crystal Minnow to try to get it. But barely a few cast after that sighting, 2 security guards approached me and told me that fishing was only allowed on the other side of the Jetty. Darn! What a waste. If I had 10 mintues, I may just get something.
Thereafter, I moved to the far end to join the other family fishing. Although I heard a loud splash the side of the the other guy casting area, neither of us got anything at all. After about an hour, I decided to pack and leave.
But still, not a bad experience here. Didn't think that fishing was even allowed here. The staff here were already quite nice to accomodate our request to fish. Fishing at the Marina was logically not allowed due to the fear of us hitting the million dollar boats.
We left the place and headed to Jusco for dinner. We tried dinner at Secret Recipe, and my my, dinner was splendid. After that, caught a show thinking to let the causeway jam ease. But when we hit the causeway at 12am, we were also caught in a jam till about 1am. I had been in quite a few jams lately. May have to rethink my strategy to avoid them. :)
It so happens I was with the bike convoy of 22 bikes that you saw heading towards Pengerang.
There were some common pictures we took at Pengerang:
We were travelling past too fast and even if you were Jamie Yeo also cannot recognise.
But I did wonder when I saw a single Singaporean car travelling by itself in the middle of Route 90, Desaru, if it was lost.
Guess the Picanto knew Malaysia pretty well and knew where it was going :)